Is It The Jaw?

Is It The Jaw?

Have you been experiencing frequent headaches, back and neck pain, dull aching facial pain, or popping in your jaw? Well, so have a number of our clients and we want you to know that you are not alone. Many of these symptoms may be related to a Temporomandibular...
Body Scanning

Body Scanning

Body scanning is a very important tool to use when self treating. It allows us to become aware of the areas in our body that may be causing our symptoms or the compensation patterns. Traditional treatment has always had us treat the symptoms, but this has given us...
I’m Off The Table: Now What?

I’m Off The Table: Now What?

We’ve all done it. When our myofascial release session is over, we bounce up off the treatment table and rush out the door to the next thing on our to-do list, whether we have to get back to work or run another errand or meet a friend for lunch. Before we know it, the...