Do the Penguin Walk!

Do the Penguin Walk!

You don’t see penguins slip and fall on the ice, but this time of year many of our clients take nasty falls resulting in bruises, pain, and possibly fractured bones. We want to help you stay healthy, avoid a fall and possible injuries. In order to do that we all...
Feeling The Pressure

Feeling The Pressure

During the winter cold and flu season or as the seasons change, many of us experience some degree of nasal congestion and sinus pressure. Unfortunately, that pressure can often hang around, long after other signs and symptoms of the cold have disappeared. Recently,...
Keeping the Holidays Simple

Keeping the Holidays Simple

We always have great aspirations of keeping the holidays simple, don’t we? Then when they get here it can be a different story. What is important to remember is that we are in control of our own environment. If those around us choose to make the holidays overly crazy...