Chasing Symptoms?

Chasing Symptoms?

My low back hurts, so I treat it, but then my shoulder hurts, and then my neck. What’s going on? While not an exact quote, this describes the experience of many clients. Sometimes, a self-treatment session can feel like a game of tag, in which we treat and stretch and...
4″ Ball Self-Care 101

4″ Ball Self-Care 101

The 4” ball is a simple and inexpensive self-treatment tool. It is effective for lengthening the tissue and relieving pain, tightness, trigger points and muscle spasms. We have found that the 4” ball has great versatility and to be universally effective just about...
Hot – Sweaty – Dehydrated

Hot – Sweaty – Dehydrated

Summer is right around the corner and with that comes hot, sticky and humid weather. We have already had some very hot days this year. Some of us can handle the hot weather better than others. Anyone may become dehydrated, but young children, older adults and people...