Can you believe that the holiday season is right around the corner? But let’s be real – it’s easy to get stressed out with all the preparations. We often try to make everything perfect, from the gifts to the decorations to the food, and end up feeling frazzled and exhausted by the time our guests arrive. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t worry – I’ve got your back!
Here are some simple tips that will help you stay focused and enjoy the holiday season without feeling like you’re constantly running on empty:
1. Keep It Simple: Instead of trying to cram everything into one day, why not plan separate gatherings with your family and friends? Choose one meaningful gift for each person instead of buying numerous gifts, and use paper plates and plasticware instead of elaborate table settings to make cleaning up easier. Honestly, your guests won’t mind and likely won’t notice!
2. Ask for Help: Don’t try to do everything yourself. Cook together with your family and friends or ask them to bring their favorite dish to share. This can make the holiday meal more enjoyable and less stressful for everyone.
3. Give the Gift of Time: Time is a precious gift that never expires. Instead of buying gifts, try spending quality time with your loved ones. Whether it’s having morning coffee together, going for a walk, or watching a movie, you’ll be surprised at how much it means to them – and to you. Plus, you will save $ and not have that added stress.
4. Take Care of Yourself: It’s important to schedule some time for yourself during the holidays. Go to a yoga class, reach out for some friend time, or take a relaxing bath – whatever makes you feel more relaxed and energized. Trust me, taking care of yourself will benefit everyone around you.
The holiday season can be a bit stressful, but taking a deep breath, relaxing, and enjoying time with loved ones can help you feel better. And when you want a little extra support, I’m here for you. Schedule a session with me and I’ll help you enter into a state of relaxation, allowing you to navigate your holiday season with more ease and enjoyment.
Also, don’t forget to check out our myofascial self-care videos in the archives. They’re super helpful and only take 15-20 minutes to release tension and clear your mind!